Going Beyond the Boundaries
of Conventional Modern Science

The common view of the universe shows the
dimensions and constituents of reality to be
separate and independent.

This view persisted for years, because it
made sense, and agreed closely with
everyday experience.

On the other hand, a universe where
everything varies independently makes
predicting events rather difficult.

If the only thing you can count on is
the steady progress of time, the world
can be a pretty scary place.

The common view of the world
did little to make life less mysterious,
but it was the best description of reality
there was, at the time.

This changed rapidly, however, around the
turn of the 17th to the 18th century.

Along with the work of a few other individuals,
one man created a whole new outlook on reality
which made everything look predictable.

Isaac Newton discovered some fundamental
properties of moving bodies, and principles of
motion dynamics, which serve us rather well,
even today.

Classical Mechanics links the realities of
dimensions, objects, and energy
through laws of motion.

The world-view that this engendered can be
described as mechanistic, since it views things
as being much like elements of a mechanism.

For a long time, the fact that Newtonian Physics,
and Aristotelian Logic, explained so much made
it appear that all the laws of nature were known,
and only refinements remained to be discovered.

Then the advent of Relativity and Quantum
Mechanics makes the earlier outlook seem
childlike and foolish.

Relativity gives us a better perspective of
motion and energy, by linking time and space,
to create a unified dimensional field
known as the space-time continuum.

Quantum Mechanics frees us from Classical
determinism, by linking matter and energy,
studying the wavelike aspect, and finding
probabilities for each possibility.

With these new outlooks on reality
the world would never be the same.

The problem with all solutions, however, is that
they limit one's purview to those answers
which appear to be most justifiable,
given the current paradigm.

In order to go beyond
the boundaries of conventional Science,
therefore, there must be a new approach,
or something that lies outside of what is current.

Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are much like
the earlier studies of Newtonian Physics and
Aristotelian Logic they replaced,
in that they too have only
a range of application.

We limit ourselves, if we only look for answers
that fit our preconceived notions of what is real.

Why assume that Relativity and Quantum
Mechanics represent the only logical coupling
of the dimensions, or constituents of reality?

By approaching the problem in new ways, we can
go beyond all limits, in understanding our reality.

Unification of all the forces and dimensions
requires a coordinated effort between disciplines,
but it will yield a tremendous reward.

To understand all things requires more than a
Theory of Everything, but Ultimate Unification,
Theories of Everything, and other studies of
the universe, will give us insight into things
we have not yet imagined.

We may even discover things about ourselves
by knowing the universe a little better.

©'99 Jonathan J. Dickau - all rights reserved

Single copies of this document, for reference or personal use,
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not permitted.

Educators may feel free to share this material
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so long as proper credit is given.

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