The Meaning of
the Soul Plane

a Message from the Universal Soul
as told to Jonathan Dickau March 23, 1998

The Soul Plane is not the Highest Place,
but it is the One level of Being
where all of the Higher Plane attributes
are fully integrated with those you choose
to describe the manifested world,
or Universe, to yourself.

The Quality of Love, or of Kindness dear,
is deeply manifested here
within the Heart of all Living Beings,
to Harmonize the Worlds within Worlds,
and inspire the journey home.

This Love Resonates within
uplifting all who hear Its call,
see Its Light, or feel the pull
of the One who is themself.

The work of the Angels brings souls to Me,
for Mine is the nature of their own True Being,
the very Nature of Soul itself,
for that is who I am,

and also who thou art.

Thou Art This Place and
thou art myself as well.

The Soul Plane is Your One True Home
for Life's Highest Dream of Love's Greatest Pleasure,
and Harmony among all manifested souls.

It is here that Soul discovers Itself,
and finds itself whole with everything else,
for nothing is ever truly lost to Soul.

the very Qualities which give rise to Me,
and as the Soul reside in thee,
are to be found in every thing,
as Nature's Laws also from them spring,
giving rise to All That Is,
and all that can become.

For Kindness is the One True Bliss,
uplifting the truth of All That Is,
and Creation is the very Life, of
that Holy Giving Pleasure.

What you create in the world is Divine
if, in its expression, true love you can find,
or if your intention is pure and refined
by the calling of your heart.

The Gentle Love that you feel in Me,
will always be a part of thee,
and the Soul Plane is a place where you
can always come to find it.

Know that you won't have to travel far,
for I am here, wherever you are,
and every bound that could keep you from me;
if you ask, I'll unbind it, and you will be free.

So soar through the Heavens, and find yourself here,
where all of God's Children true parents appear,
and all of us can be together again,
in the heart of the Heavens, the Heart of a Friend,
as One Being.

© '98 Jonathan J. Dickau - all rights reserved

Single copies of this document, for reference,
or for personal use, are allowed, but reproduction
for commercial purposes is not permitted.

Note : This work is my attempt to represent, or transcribe,
what was spoken to me by the Universal Soul, during my
contemplation, and therefore constitutes channeled or
revealed teachings. I don't feel that I created it.
I am but the vehicle.

- jd

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first posted on
January 19, 1999